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Institute for Piedilogical Research IPR
IPR is focused on spacemaking through walking practices. advocating for the collapse in scale of the map unto the body. The IPR doesn’t believe in cartesian, objective, geometric maps. We aim at an altogether obliteration of the current typology of map which is meant for improving the efficiency of the capitalistic system. The IPR is looking at the multiple potentialities of utilising walking as a tool for research and escaping from the normative productive cycles. IPR thinks of walking as a radical form of expression geared to reach perceptual transcendence.
first research workshop to be held this summer in Romania
workshop title:
exploration of terratory
implementation of TOE ID
implementation of TOE ID
<part performance, part research>
commentary on bureaucratic systems
and mandatory data collection
facilitating broadcasted discussions, debating topics ranging from; primitivism, freedom from oppression, self-expression, connection to territory, happenings and, new-age spirituality
through constant walking the territory, enabled for spontaneous intrractions with locals
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